第二節 台灣離岸風場許可程序的利害關係人議合


The selection of offshore wind farm sites requires long-term marine environmental data and consideration of the interests and restrictions of other marine users. Therefore, the state should conduct strategic planning and site selection for potential offshore wind farm development sea areas. While the Ocean Basic Act expresses the spirit of “responding to the multi-objective needs of ocean use, coordinating sea area utilization and competition, and implementing integrated ocean management,” regulations related to marine spatial planning have yet to be established.
It should be emphasized that no offshore wind farm developer/operator has been granted any exclusive rights by the government since the first phase (demonstration incentive). The siting for offshore wind farms in Taiwan is conducted individually by each offshore wind farm developer. To enter the third phase (zone development), offshore wind farm developers only need to avoid the “sensitive areas” listed in Annex 1 of the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ “Guidelines for Application for Offshore Wind Power Zone Development Site Planning.” The so-called “sensitive areas” are simply overlays of sea areas where various ministries have proposed that offshore wind farms should not be located. They were determined with absolutely no stakeholder engagement.

2.1 環境影響評估 Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) review is a crucial part of the offshore wind farm consenting process. It is one of the few procedures where stakeholders can express their environmental and social concerns about development projects. According to Article 5, Paragraph 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act and Article 29, Paragraph 5 of the Standards for Determining Specific Items and Scope of Environmental Impact Assessments for Development Activitie〉, all offshore wind power projects must undergo review by the EIA Committee of the Environmental Protection Administration.
環境影響評估必須評估離岸風場計畫對環境的潛在影響,包括自然環境的物化環境(地形地質、海象、水文水質、噪音振動)和海域生態(潮間帶、鳥類、魚類、鯨豚),以及人類環境(例如景觀遊憩、社會經濟、交通環境、安全評估)。然而,這些都是既有陸域或沿岸開發行為的調查評估項目,環評法規並未因應離岸風場的海域特性而調整。甚至依據〈開發行為環境影響評估作業準則〉制訂的〈海洋生態評估技術規範〉,還明顯自我限縮環評審查的範圍,缺乏海洋的社會-經濟面向之評估與減輕措施,有違《環境影響評估法》第4條之內涵,不僅自然生態面向,社會-經濟面向也同樣需要科學、客觀的評估 。
The EIA must evaluate the potential impacts of offshore wind farm projects on the environment, including the physical environment of the natural environment (topography, geology, marine conditions, hydrology, water quality, noise, vibration), marine ecology (intertidal zones, birds, fish, whales, and dolphins), and the human environment (such as landscape recreation, socioeconomics, transportation environment, and safety assessment). However, these are all investigation and assessment items for existing land or coastal development activities, and the environmental impact assessment regulations have not been adjusted to accommodate the offshore wind farm marine characteristics. Furthermore, according to the Technical Guidelines for Marine Ecological Assessment formulated based on the Operational Regulations for Environmental Impact Assessments for Development Activities, the scope of EIA review is clearly self-limited. It lacks any assessment and mitigation measures for the socio-economic aspects of the marine environment. This contradicts Article 4 in the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, which calls for the consideration of not only scientific and objective evaluations of natural ecological factors, but also socio-economic aspects.
The significant difference between offshore wind farms and any land-based development is that no one actually lives around offshore wind farms. When an offshore wind farm is over 20 kilometers from the shore, using the coastal administrative district and its residents as the legally required “relevant agencies” and “local residents” for communication no longer has any practical significance.
然而,由於離岸風場周圍往往「沒有居民」,致離岸風場計畫難以符合《環境影響評估法》第8條第1項「對環境有重大影響之虞」之要件(〈環境影響評估法施行細則〉第19條第1項第2款第5目參照),而無須進行嚴謹的「第二階段環境影響評估」 。大規模且密集的離岸風場開發及其附設航道對漁民漁撈作業的衝擊,難以透過個案的環境影響評估獲得減輕。
However, due to the fact that there are often “no residents” around offshore wind farms, offshore wind farm projects cannot possibly be “likely to have a significant impact on the environment” under Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (see Item 5, Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 19 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Enforcement Rules). Thus, they do not need to undergo the rigorous “Second-Phase EIA.” The large-scale and intensive development of offshore wind farms and their associated navigation channels have significant impacts on fishermen’s catching operations, which are difficult to mitigate via individual EIAs.
Although offshore wind farms are considered point developments, they occupy a large sea area and give rise to issues of exclusive or inclusive use. What are the hard restrictions and soft factors among the different uses of marine areas? All of these decisions lack public discussion and dialogue. In the absence of long-term regulations for marine spatial planning, the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, has adopted a “permission in principle, prohibition by exception” approach. This practice allows offshore wind develops to demarcate sea areas on their own, which is unreasonable and damages the government’s credibility.

2.2 建立與漁業的溝通管道 Establishing Contact with the Fishing Industry

Offshore wind farm developers may be unable to identify the specific fishermen they need to contact at the very beginning of the EIA process. A good starting point for identifying relevant fishermen is for developers to visit fishing ports early on, engage with fishermen at the docks, and begin building a local network to facilitate effective liaison.
Developers can visit fishermen’s associations and request their assistance in providing information to enable more detailed consultations with the impacted fishermen. However, developers should note that neither the regional fishermen associations nor the fishermen’s associations can represent all fishermen. So, ongoing local research will be critical to future stakeholder engagement.