第八節 避免漁具與風場設備的纏繞


Common fishing gear on the western coast of Taiwan includes gillnets, trawls, and pole and line. However, gillnets, especially drift gillnets, are difficult to deploy between the offshore wind farm foundations due to their drifting nature with the seawater, making them the least compatible fishing gear with offshore wind farm facilities. Even in the waters around offshore wind farms, passing offshore wind farm work vessels can damage gillnets. The spacing between wind turbine foundations will also affect the existing operating methods of trawl fishing vessels, while only pole and line fishermen will be unaffected. The offshore wind sector should include avoiding entanglement and damage to fishing gear in its fishing impact mitigation measures and fishing coexistence plans.

8.1 認識刺網 Understanding Gillnets

Gillnets have the characteristics of being passive, energy-saving, and not requiring bait, and they can be operated by only one or two people, making them relatively simple. Therefore, they are widely used by small-scale artisanal fishery.
On the western coast of Taiwan, regardless of the size of the fishing port, some fishermen rely primarily on gillnets for their income. Gillnets are named as such because when fish come into contact with the net, their fins or gill covers get “stuck” in the net as if they are “stabbed” into the net. By adjusting the mesh size, target fish species with larger bodies will be trapped in the net, while other smaller fish can pass through the mesh and not be caught. Taiwan’s fisheries regulations stipulate that the length of drift gillnets cannot exceed 2.5 kilometers. In practice, the fishing boats (rafts) used by small-scale fishery on the west coast have limited space, load capacity, and workforce, making it difficult to exceed the said legal restrictions. In short, gillnets are not “catch-all” or a “wall of death” gears.
They can be classified into drift gillnets, bottom gillnets, floating gillnets, and purse seines according to their structure, the water layer in which they are set, and the method of use. Drift gillnets are so named because they drift with the seawater and are not fixed to the seabed. Fishermen will add red buoy flags and warning lights to both ends of the gillnet to identify their positions (in some areas, fishermen will replace one of the buoy flags with a different color to distinguish direction). Weights are attached to the bottoms of both ends of the bottom gillnets to reduce the drift range, while the top is marked with buoys to identify each other’s positions.
Fishermen will adjust their fishing gear according to different seasons and the habits of target fish. Migratory fish use drift gillnets, and benthic fish use bottom gillnets, showcasing their flexibility. Generally, drift gillnets are deployed in the sea for about 2 to 3 hours, and fishermen’s fishing boats (rafts) wait in the nearby waters. Bottom gillnets are deployed in the sea for a longer period, usually overnight.
Buoy flags and warning lights can help determine the location of the gillnets in the sea, but they cannot distinguish between drift gillnets and bottom gillnets. Meanwhile, since buoy flags and warning lights are not obvious to offshore wind farm work vessels, once an offshore wind farm work vessel crosses a drift gillnet while navigating, it will directly lead to the entanglement and damage of the net. If it crosses a bottom gillnet, it may also indirectly cause damage to the net due to sudden changes in water currents.
在浮標旗加繫具有船舶自動識別系統(Automatic Identification System, AIS) 的網位儀有助於離岸風場工作船辨識刺網位置,但部分漁民並不願意使用因AIS可能洩漏漁業作業的位置而不願使用;目前法規也未強制要求加裝。
Adding a net sounder with the automatic identification system (AIS) to the buoy flag can help identify the location of gillnets for offshore wind farm work vessels. However, some fishermen are reluctant to use it as they fear AIS may reveal the locations of their fishing operations. Current regulations also do not require its installation.
When an offshore wind farm work vessel discovers a buoy flag, it should take care to avoid it and try to communicate with the fishing vessel (raft) (see “3.4 Information Dissemination and Communication During Maritime Activities”). If work vessels see fishing boats (rafts) setting nets, do not pass from their stern. Maintain a distance of at least 1 nautical mile and pass parallel to the direction of the gillnet. If work vessels find a buoy flag and cannot contact its owner, unauthorized removal of the fishing gear in non-emergency situations may constitute a civil tort.
The difference between floating gillnets and drift gillnets is that one end is anchored to the seabed with a weight. Although not common on the western coast, they may have better compatibility with offshore wind farm facilities. This Guidance recommends that the offshore wind sector include assistance in improving fishing gear and methods as part of its fishing impact mitigation measures and fishing coexistence plans.

8.2 認識拖網 Understanding Trawling

The trawl fishery can be divided into single-vessel trawling and double-vessel trawling based on the operating methods and into mid-surface and bottom trawling based on the operating water layer. The catch from the trawl fishery is not only for direct human consumption but also serves as feed for the aquaculture industry, making it one of the important coastal fisheries.
為有效管理漁業資源,台灣自1977年起,禁止拖網漁船於距岸3浬內作業,且CT4級(50~100噸)以上之拖網漁船禁止於距岸12浬內作業。換言之,CT3級(50噸以下)拖網漁船在距岸3浬外作業即符合法規規定。拖網漁業相較於刺網漁業,需要更廣大海域空間,且漁業執照從未以縣(市)分界作為作業海域的限制;拖網漁船跨越縣(市)界線從事捕撈是長年的既存事實(見「1.3 台灣海峽海域的漁業活動」)。
To effectively manage fishery resources, Taiwan has prohibited trawl fishing vessels from operating within 3 nautical miles of the coast since 1977, and CT4-class (50-100 tons) and above trawl fishing vessels are prohibited from operating within 12 nautical miles of the coast. In other words, CT3-class (less than 50 tons) trawl fishing vessels comply with the regulations by operating more than 3 nautical miles from the coast. Compared to the gillnet fishery, the trawl fishery requires a much larger sea area, and fishery licenses have never used county (city) boundaries as restrictions on operating sea areas. Trawl fishing vessels have been crossing county (city) boundaries to fish for a long time (see “1.3 Fishing activities in the Taiwan Strait”).
After the construction of offshore wind farms, trawl fishing vessels are less restricted by the spacing between wind turbine foundations compared to gillnets. By taking some measures (such as reducing the distance between two vessels in double-vessel trawling and avoiding the riprap protection area in single-vessel trawling), trawl-fishing vessels may still be able to operate. Providing clear coordinates of wind turbines and submarine cables to fishermen by offshore wind farm operators will help the coexistence of the two sectors.
In addition, unlike buoy flags, which can help determine whether gillnet fishing vessels are currently operating, there are no obvious external features to assess whether trawl fishing vessels are currently operating. Therefore, offshore wind farm work vessels should not approach trawl fishing vessels rashly but should try to communicate with the fishing vessels according to the previously established liaison channels (see “3.4. Information Dissemination and Communication During Maritime Activities”).

8.3 風場設備海上遺失 Offshore Wind Farm Equipment Lost at Sea

During the planning phase, developers will deploy various data-collecting equipment at sea; during the construction phase, warning buoys will be deployed around the wind farm. Just as fishermen’s fishing gear may be lost due to weather and sea conditions, offshore wind farm survey equipment and warning facilities may also move away from their original deployment locations. Offshore wind farm developers/operators should clearly mark the owner and contact information on these equipment or facilities so that fishermen can return them if found. If it is found that the positioning signal of the equipment or facilities has changed or disappeared, or if equipment on the work vessel is accidentally dropped into the sea, developers/ should also follow SECTION 3 MANAGING CONTACT to proactively inform fishery stakeholders and request their assistance in searching.
Due to the lack of precedents, this Guidance recommends that both sectors discuss the safety regulations for fishing operations within and around the wind farms that are mutually recognized in a timely manner to allow fishing activities to continue to the fullest extent possible.