第四節 規劃階段的聯絡


This Guidance recommends that developers should establish contact with the local fishing industry as early as the planning stage so that they can benefit from traditional fishing industry knowledge and apply relevant information and potential impacts assessment to site selection where possible. Initial contact should be made according to the procedures and key liaison roles described in SECTION 3. As the offshore wind farm project develops and matures, liaison work should continue throughout the entire planning phase.

4.1 建立聯絡管道 Establishing Contact

Visiting the fishing port is the best way to build local relationships. This early contact can help developers gain a deeper understanding of the fishing industry and help identify the local fishermen they need to contact. Establishing local-level contacts early on will help developers select CFLOs as well as FIRs and manage the liaison channel requirements.

4.2 環境影響評估與漁業調查 EIA and Fisheries Survey

There is no legal requirement for offshore wind developers to consult with fisheries stakeholders during the preparation of the EIA review. If offshore wind developers can establish a liaison channel with the fishing industry as early as possible, consult their opinions, and provide substantive responses, it will be beneficial for future interactions.

4.2.1 介紹計畫項目 Introduce the Project Items

The public meeting during the preparation phase of the environmental impact statement(EIS) may be the earliest opportunity for fisheries stakeholders to learn about the offshore wind project. According to Article 15, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 of the Operational Regulations for Environmental Impact Assessments for Development Activities, the public meeting notice is sent to the municipal or county (city) government, the municipal or county (city) council, the township office, the township representative assembly, and the village office where the development site is located. Fisheries stakeholders are not included. It is particularly noteworthy that the proposed offshore wind farm and the onshore landing point of the export cable may be located in different counties (cities), and their impacts on the fisheries may also differ. There may be artificial reef areas or protected reef areas, marine aquaculture, and fixed-net fishing industries in the waters near the landing point. Offshore wind developers should identify potential fisheries stakeholders before the public meeting and notify them to attend the public meeting.
The public meeting should be arranged at a major fishing port, and the meeting time should avoid periods when most fishermen are at sea or during important fishing seasons. The public meeting should at least provide the following information:

  • 提議中的風場位置圖與輸出海纜廊道圖,採用漁民通用的度分秒格式具體指出各端點的經緯度座標;
    A map showing the location of the proposed wind farm and the export cable corridor, with specific latitude and longitude coordinates of each endpoint using the degree-minute-second format commonly used by fishermen;
  • 提議中的風場鄰近海域的等深線;
    Depth contours of the waters adjacent to the proposed wind farm;
  • 預計採用的風機基礎型式、數量與佈置圖;
    The planned type, number, and layout of wind turbine foundations;
  • 工程時程規劃;以及
    Engineering schedule; and
  • 鄰近海域其他離岸風場計畫(包含已商轉、施工中、提議中)。
    Other offshore wind farm projects in the vicinity (including those in operation, under construction, and proposed).

Public opinion polls are a required survey item in the EIS. Developers should add a public opinion poll applicable to the fisheries in addition to the existing categories of “local residents” and “opinion leaders” to understand the willingness and opinions of fisheries stakeholders regarding the installation of an offshore wind farm.
Based on the initial contact through public meetings and public opinion polls, offshore wind developers can further consult with fisheries stakeholders to understand whether the proposed wind farm and cable landing point may overlap with fishing activities and potential conflicts and explain possible mitigation measures in the EIS.
After completing the EIS, offshore wind developers will undergo a preliminary review meeting and a review by the Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee. As mentioned earlier, fiseries stakeholders are not legally required to be notified of EIA-related meetings. Offshore wind developers should notify fisheries stakeholders to attend the meetings and express their opinions based on the established liaison channels. Within 10 days after the offshore wind project passes the review of the EIA Review Committee, the offshore wind developer shall inform the fisheries stakeholders of this result.

4.2.2 漁業調查方法 Fishery Investigation Methods

Due to the lack of marine spatial planning and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) linking individual project EIAs, it is difficult to grasp the overall impact that offshore wind farm development has on the fisheries. Fisheries stakeholders only have a limited opportunity to express their opinions when individual offshore wind farm EIAs are conducted. As fisheries economics is one of the survey items for offshore wind farm EIAs, developers must consider the potential impacts of development, regardless of whether they are major or minor, direct or indirect, short-term or medium to long-term, temporary or cumulative, positive or negative.
Fisheries stakeholders can contribute their knowledge of the ocean and the fisheries by participating in surveys. They may also be interested in the survey and assessment work because the offshore wind farm project is related to their fishing activities. In addition, fishing vessels can also be used for surveys or other work (see SECTION 7 USE OF FISHING VESSELS DURING DIFFERENT PHASES OF PROJECTS). Developers can encourage fisheries stakeholders to participate in surveys through the CFLOs and FIRs.
Regarding fish and the fishery surveys, the following general principles should be noted:

  • 漁業可以是當地知識的來源,提供涵蓋季節性、歷史變化和漁獲組成的記錄;
    The fisheries can be a source of local knowledge, providing records covering seasonality, historical changes, and catch composition;
  • 漁業利害關係人對影響其自身漁業活動的潛在衝擊特別感興趣,包括:如風機基礎間距對漁具的干擾、關鍵季節與遷徙路線(如冬至前後的烏魚迴游)、高豐度區域或任何與產卵育幼有關的區域也很重要;
    Fisheries stakeholders are particularly interested in the potential impacts of their fishing activities, such as the interference of wind turbine foundation spacing with fishing gear, key seasons and migration routes (such as the mullet migration around the winter solstice), high abundance areas, or any areas related to spawning and breeding are also important;
  • 鑑於調查技術和漁業活動之間的密切關係,漁業既可以形成調查方法的建議,也將有助於瞭解既有調查方法是否適用。在適當的情況下,調查最好是圍繞漁民實際捕撈策略進行,調查所得資料與日常捕撈實務可直接進行比較;
    Given the close relationship between survey techniques and fishing activities, the fisheries can make recommendations on survey methods and help understand whether existing survey methods are applicable. Where appropriate, surveys should ideally be conducted around actual fishing strategies and data obtained from surveys can be directly compared to daily fishing practices;
  • 利用當地漁船進行調查將有助於促進對問題的共同理解以及漁業利害關係人的認可。在可行的情況下,開發業者可鼓勵當地漁船參與劃定基線和監測的採樣工作;
    Using local fishing vessels for surveys will help promote a common understanding of the issues and the acceptance by fisheries stakeholders. Where feasible, developers can encourage local fishing vessels to participate in baseline definition and sampling for monitoring;
  • 農業部漁業署發佈之《漁業統計年報》除了漁業產值與產量數據準確性長期被質疑,也無法得知漁業活動的時空分佈。因此,環境影響說明書中有關漁業的部分,不可只抄寫《漁業統計年報》既有資料。
    The Fisheries Statistical Yearbook published by the Fisheries Agency of theMinistry of Agriculture, has long been questioned for data accuracy on fisheries output and production. It is also impossible to know the spatiotemporal distribution of fishing activities. Therefore, the part of the EIS related to the fisheries cannot simply copy the existing data from the Fisheries Statistical Yearbook.

This Guidance recommends that offshore wind developers should understand the current status of the fisheries through sample survey and on-site surveys of fishing ports, supplemented by literature reviews. Developers should at least explain the following fishing industry information:

  • 提議的風場與輸出海纜廊道鄰近海域的漁業活動特徵;
    Characteristics of fishing activities in the waters adjacent to the proposed wind farm and export cable corridor;
  • 漁民組成與漁船(筏)的主要根據漁港;
    The composition of fishermen and the main base ports of fishing boats (rafts);
  • 捕撈漁種與漁業熱點;
    Fish species and fishery hotspots;
  • 漁汛期間;以及
    Fishing seasons; and
  • 捕撈數量與銷售產值。
    Catch quantity and sales value.

Since the Taiwan offshore wind farm ecological survey Guidance (first edition) only requires the completion of a fish survey once per quarter for a total of four quarters, the data representation is obviously insufficient, and the data is difficult to compare with daily fishing practices. This Guidance also recommends that offshore wind developers increase the survey frequency to once a month and, referring to the Strategic Environmental Statement of Offshore Wind Zone Development, complete two years and eight quarters before construction.

4.3 環境影響評估審查通過後的持續溝通 Ongoing Engagement after EIA Review

在離岸風場計畫通過環境影響評估審查並取得風場開發權利後,距離實際施工仍有數年的時間 。離岸風電開發業者也可能提出環境影響差異分析報告申請變更計畫內容。因此,離岸風電開發業者在簽訂行政契約、確定離岸風場併網年度之後,應持續進行漁業利害關係人議合;現行舉辦「施工前說明會」的承諾明顯不足。
After an offshore wind farm project passes the EIA review and obtains the right to develop the wind farm, there are still several years before actual construction begins. Offshore wind developers may also submit an analysis of the difference between current environmental conditionss to chage the project content. Therefore, offshore wind developers should continue to engage with fisheries stakeholders after signing the administrative contract and confirming the grid connection year of the offshore wind farm; the current commitment to hold “pre-construction briefings” is clearly insufficient.
This Guidance recommends that developers should voluntarily hold multiple public meetings before the finalization of the wind farm design. The topics of the meetings should include, but are not limited to:

  • 減輕漁業干擾、使原本之漁業活動得以繼續的風場共存設計,例如任兩風機基礎間距大於1,000公尺、海纜埋設深度大於1.5公尺、減少拋石保護工、使用不需打樁的吸力筒技術等;
    Wind farm coexistence designs that reduce interference with the fisheries and allow for the continuation of original fishing activities, such as a minimum distance of 1,000 meters between any two wind turbine foundations, a burial depth of submarine cables greater than 1.5 meters, reduced riprap protection works, and the use of suction bucket jacket(SBJ) that does not require pile driving;
  • 公司漁業聯絡人與漁業產業代表的互動情況,即第三節中描述的漁業聯絡計畫;
    Interaction between CFLOs and FIRs, i.e., the fishing liaison plan described in SECTION 3;
  • 風場鄰近海域的漁業活動;
    Fishing activities in the waters adjacent to the wind farm;
  • 漁業影響減輕對策與共存方案;以及
    Measures to mitigate the impact on the fisheries and coexistence plans;
  • 開發業者制訂之利害關係人政策、策略或管理方針,以及申訴制度。
    Stakeholder policies, strategies, or management guidelines developed by the developer, as well as a grievance system.

It is important to note that it may take more than two meetings to reduce information gaps and achieve a certain level of participation; FIRs should help ensure adequate attendance. Fisheries stakeholders should also be informed when there are major changes in the equity of the offshore wind farm project. Pre-construction briefings should be arranged in major fishing ports in the same manner as public meetings, and the meeting time should avoid periods when most fishermen are at sea or during important fishing seasons. Meanwhile, fisheries stakeholders should be informed of the final confirmed location of the wind farm and the export cable corridor map (including the latitude and longitude coordinates of each endpoint), wind turbine layout diagram, and marine engineering schedule, and continue to transmit relevant information through notices, flyers, etc.