第一節 導論


The Taiwan Ocean and Environmental Sustainability Law Center (hereinafter the “TOES”) was established by the Environmental Rights Foundation in 2021. It is dedicated to assisting fishermen in obtaining comprehensive rights to environmental information, the right to participate in civic affairs, and access to legal resources.
To promote a positive relationship between the fishing and offshore wind sectors and to facilitate their coexistence, the TOES has compiled the “Recommendations for Guidance on Taiwan Offshore Wind and Fisheries Liaison” (hereinafter the “Guidance”) by referencing the “Best Practice Guidance for Offshore Renewables Developments: Recommendations for Fisheries Liaison” published by the UK’s “Fishing Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group” (FLOWW); Taiwan’s laws and regulations; as well as the engagement experience of local fishermen, government agencies, and the offshore wind sector. The goal is to facilitate ongoing dialogues between the fishing and offshore wind sectors to address issues arising from their interactions and encourage the participation of other sectors in the marine environment in this process.

1.1 本指南之背景 Background of the Guidance

To achieve the 2050 net-zero target, the offshore wind sector is rapidly developing to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels and help ensure energy security. As the offshore wind sector evolves, it must continue to grasp the impacts on other sea-based communities at both the local and national levels.
This Guidance is prepared for the offshore wind sector (including developers and operators) and the fishing industry (including commercial and artisanal fisheries) in the western coastal areas of Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait. This Guidance emphasizes the importance of establishing a foundation for long-term coexistence between the two sectors in a cooperative spirit. To achieve long-term coexistence, effective coordination between the two sectors is necessary in order to fully understand the potential impacts, the opportunities for coexistence, and the exclusionary factors to guide the development of appropriate adaptation measures.
The offshore wind sector has a responsibility to ensure that the fishing industry is adequately informed of all construction, operation, and maintenance activities from the planning phase until commercial operation. Given the sensitivity of fishing activity data, the offshore wind sector must first establish a trusting relationship with the fishing industry, encourage fisheries stakeholders to work with offshore wind sector to develop fishing impact mitigation measures, and achieve coexistence between the two sectors.

1.2 適用性 Applicability

This Guidance covers offshore wind farms in the western waters of Taiwan that have been completed and commercially operated, are under construction, or are in the planning stages. They include the first phase demonstration incentives, the second phase potential sites, and the third phase zone developments.
This Guidance covers all offshore wind farm project facilities, including wind turbines, offshore substations, array cables, export cables, and onshore substations connecting to the national grid. This Guidance does not yet include floating wind turbines and other types of marine energy facilities, as the technologies involved in such facilities are still immature, and the potential impacts on the fishing industry may be even greater. This Guidance shall be adjusted as necessary.

1.3 台灣海峽海域的漁業活動 Fishing Activities in the Taiwan Strait

在本指南中,術語「漁業」泛指捕撈漁業和養殖漁業,及其附屬之加工運銷業;術語「漁業利害關係人」是指從事漁業或與漁業密切相關,並可能受到離岸風場影響的漁業社群;相當於《漁業法》所稱之漁業人及漁業從業人 。本指南是針對《漁業法》規範的漁業活動,不適用於使用遊艇、小船及非屬船舶之浮具(如波特船、橡皮艇等)的活動。
In this Guidance, the term “fishing industry” refers broadly to the catch fishing industry, the aquaculture industry, and their affiliated processing and marketing industries. The term “fishing industry stakeholder” refers to fishing communities that engage in fishing or are closely related to fishing and may be affected by offshore wind farms. This is equivalent to the terms “fishery operator” and “fishery employee” as defined in the Fisheries Act. This Guidance is applicable to fishing activities as regulated by the Fisheries Act. It does not apply to activities using yachts, small boats, or non-vessel floating objects (pontoons, rubber boats, etc.).
The offshore wind sector should be aware that in the narrow Taiwan Strait, fishing areas may overlap with several offshore wind farms. The currently available individual environmental impact assessments (EIAs) can neither address the cumulative effects of multiple offshore wind farms nor clarify the diversity of impacts on the fishing industry. There are many different types of fishing activities in the Taiwan Strait, using various fishing gear and fishing boats (rafts) of different sizes. Due to differences in activity types, fishing gear used, and operating sea areas, even different fishing communities from the same fishing port may have other concerns.
漁業需要廣大海域,活動範圍可能超越縣(市)的行政區界線甚至國界。在台灣,《漁業法》中有關「專用漁業權」常被誤解、誤用。專用漁業權的定義為:指利用一定水域,形成漁場,供入漁權人入漁,以經營左列漁業之權:(一)採捕水產動植物之漁業。(二)養殖水產動植物之漁業。(三)以固定漁具在水深25公尺以內,採捕水產動物之漁業 。其中,漁業署給予各區漁會專用漁業權區的「一定水域」為「自平均低潮線起向外海延伸3浬」。漁民並不會只在所屬區漁會的專用漁業權區作業,而是依據自身漁船(筏)大小向更外海的區域尋求漁場。
The fishing industry requires vast sea areas, and its range of activities may extend beyond the administrative boundaries of a county (city) and even national borders. In Taiwan, the “exclusive fishing right” under the Fisheries Act is often misunderstood and misused. Definition of exclusive fishing right: the right to use a specific water area to form a fishing ground for fisheries access privilege holders to operate one of the following fisheries: (a) Catching or harvesting aquatic organisms. (b) Aquaculture. (c) Catching or harvesting aquatic animals with anchored fishing gears within the waters at a depth of twenty-five meters or less. Among them, the Fisheries Agency grants each regional fishery association an “exclusive fishing right” with a “specific water area” defined as “extending 3 nautical miles seaward from the mean low water line.” Fishermen not only operate within the exclusive fishing right area of their affiliated district fishery association but also seek fishing grounds in more offshore areas, depending on the size of their fishing boats (rafts).
在專用權漁業權區以外海域從事捕撈,則為《漁業法》的「特定漁業」 。漁業執照以離岸距離、而非行政區界線作為捕撈行為的限制,尤其對大型漁船而言,跨越縣(市)界線從事漁撈是長年的既存事實。區漁會並無法反應在其專用權漁業權區以外海域從事捕撈漁民的利益,更無法約束他們的行為。《國土計畫法》讓情況更加複雜:沿海各縣(市)政府名義上擁有從平均高潮線到領海外界線的廣大海域管轄範圍,卻連基本的調查都做不到、何況是規劃與管理。
Engaging in fishing activities in offshore waters beyond the exclusive fishing right area is considered “Directed Fisheries” under the Fisheries Act. Fishing licenses restrict fishing activities based on the distance from the shore rather than administrative boundaries. Crossing county (city) boundaries to engage in fishing has been a long-standing fact, particularly for large fishing vessels. The regional fishery association cannot represent the interests of fishermen who fish outside of their exclusive fishing rights area or regulate their behaviors. The Spatial Planning Act has made the situation more complex. Coastal county (city) governments technically have authority over a large area of sea from the mean high tide line to the outer limit of the territorial sea. However, they are unable to even conduct basic surveys, let alone plan and manage the area.
In short, the exclusive fishing right area of each regional fishery association only accounts for a small portion of the territorial waters under the jurisdiction of the respective county (city). Fishermen who engage in fishing activities within the territorial waters of each county (city) often come from other counties (cities), and this is entirely legal and should be protected.

1.4 離岸風電與漁業中的各類角色 Roles in Renewable Energy and Fisheries

The offshore wind and fishing industry liaison issue is related to multiple organizations and stakeholders.

  • 中央政府在因應氣候變遷的基礎上制定能源政策。《氣候變遷因應法》除了將國家溫室氣體長期減量目標設定為2050年達成溫室氣體淨零排放,也強調能源轉型必須也是公正轉型 。在海洋治理方面,儘管《海洋基本法》要求政府應制(訂)定海洋空間規劃之法規,因應海洋多目標使用需求、協調海域使用及競合、落實海洋整合管理。惟多年來相關海洋空間規劃法規始終並未建立,再生能源政策與漁業管理政策之間也未能取得平衡 。是以,本指南鼓勵離岸風電部門持續自主與漁業進行對話以尋求共存的可能。
    The central government has formulated energy policies to address climate change. The Climate Change Response Act emphasizes that energy transition must also be a just transition in addition to setting the long-term national greenhouse gas reduction target of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Ocean Basic Act mandates the government to formulate regulations for marine spatial planning to accommodate various uses of the ocean, manage sea area use, and implement integrated ocean management. However, specific regulations for marine spatial planning in this regard have not been established for a long time. So, a harmonious equilibrium between policies governing renewable energy and those governing the fishing industry has yet to be attained. Therefore, this Guidance encourages the offshore wind sector to continue engaging in autonomous dialogue with the fishing industry to explore the potential for coexistence.
  • 許可機構發給進行離岸風場計畫所需的各類許可和同意書,其中與漁業有直接關連的應備文件有:環境部的環境影響評估許可、農業部漁業署的漁業主管機關同意證明文件及水產動植物繁殖保育區有關單位意見書或同意證明文件,以及直轄市、縣(市)政府的地方主管機關同意函。然而除環境影響評估的審查之外(見第四節「規劃階段的聯絡」),其餘審查程序並不公開,漁業利害關係人無從表達意見。
    The licensing authority issues various permits and consents required for an offshore wind farm project. Among them, the required documents directly related to the fishing industry include the EIA permit from the Ministry of Environment, the consent certificate from the competent authority for the fishing industry, and the opinion or consent certificate from the relevant unit in charge of aquatic organisms breeding conservation areas, both from the Fisheries Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the consent letter from the local competent authority of the municipality or county (city). However, except for the EIA reviews (see SECTION 4 LIAISON DURING THE PLANNING PHASE), the other review procedures are not public, and fisheries stakeholders have no way to express their opinions.
  • 航港局負責發布各類型航船布告,以及規劃風場航道及其航行指南。離岸風電開發及營運業者在進行海事工程之前必須事前告知航港局,請求其發布航船布告。有鑑於多數漁業利害關係人獲取、使用這些資訊的困難,離岸風電開發及營運業者應尋求其他有效傳遞資訊的方式。
    The Maritime Port Bureau is responsible for issuing various types of Notices to Mariners(NtM), planning wind farm channels, and providing navigation guidance. Offshore wind developers and operators must notify the Maritime Port Bureau in advance before conducting maritime engineering projects and request that it issue NtMs. Given the difficulty most fisheries stakeholders have in obtaining and using this information, offshore wind developers and operators should seek other effective ways to convey information.
  • 開發業者是規劃、設計和建造離岸風場的公司;他們可以包括公用事業、專門的離岸風場計畫開發業者或技術開發業者。離岸風場計畫的股權,可能在風場完工之前就進行轉移。一旦風場完工、投入營運,開發業者可能繼續擁有該計畫的多數股份並成為營運業者。在其他情況下,開發業者可能會將其在離岸風場計畫中多(全)數股份出售給另一家公司來營運。由於台灣法規並未對離岸風場計畫的股權轉移並未予以過多限制,為離岸風場計畫申請環評的業者,可能並不是日後實際從事開發的業者。在任何時候,當離岸風電開發及營運業者將離岸風場計畫出售給第三方的情況時應告知漁業社群,同時所有過往與漁業社群達成之協議皆具有持續性和可轉讓性。
    Developers are companies that plan, design, and construct offshore wind farms. They can include utilities, specialized offshore wind farm project developers, or technology developers. The equity of an offshore wind farm project may be transferred before the wind farm is completed. Once the wind farm is completed and put into operation, the developer may continue to hold a majority stake in the project and become the operator. In other cases, the developer may sell a majority (or all) of its stake in the offshore wind farm project to another company for operation. Since Taiwanese regulations do not impose too many restrictions on equity transfers for offshore wind farm projects, the company that applies for an EIA for an offshore wind farm project may not be the actual developer in the future. When an offshore wind developer or operator sells an offshore wind farm project to a third party, they must inform the fishing industry community. Any previous agreements made with the fishing industry community should continue and be transferred to the new owner.
  • 承包商受雇於開發及營運業者,負責調查、規劃、建設或維護離岸風場。承包商可能再尋求其他業者協助其工作。開發及營運業者有義務要求承包商認同並落實漁業聯絡指南,並向其下一級的分包商傳達相同的要求。
    Developers and operators hire contractors to investigate, plan, construct, or maintain offshore wind farms. Contractors may seek assistance from other contractors for their work. Developers and operators are obligated to require contractors to acknowledge and implement the fishries liaison guidance and to communicate the same requirements to their subcontractors.
  • 區漁會是依據《漁會法》建立的法人並受主管機關之補助、指導與監督。儘管多數漁民為區漁會會員,受限於區漁會內部民主機制的不足,漁民的聲音通常無法透過區漁會表達。
    Regional fishermen associations are legal persons established in accordance with the Fishermen Associations Act and are subsidized, guided, and supervised by the competent authority. Although most fishermen are members of regional fishermen associations, their voices are often not effectively heard due to the shortcomings of the internal democratic mechanisms of these associations.
  • 漁民協會是依據《人民團體法》,由漁民自發成立的自主性組織,通常較能反應當地漁民的聲音,是與當地漁民建立直接聯絡方式的有效管道。
    Fishermen’s associations are autonomous organizations voluntarily established by fishermen in accordance with the Civil Associations Act. They are usually more able to reflect the voices of local fishermen and are an effective channel for establishing direct liaison with local fishermen.
  • 不從屬於組織的獨立漁民也是離岸風場計畫發展的漁業利害關係人,特別是區漁會無法代表漁民的情況是普遍存在的;因此,拜訪漁港對於確保建立盡可能廣泛的聯繫網絡是至關重要的。
    Independent fishermen who are not affiliated with any organization are also fisheries stakeholders in the offshore wind farm development projects. Visiting fishing ports is essential to establish a broad network of contacts, especially when regional fishermen associations are mostly unable to represent fishermen.
1.5 指南的檢討 Review of the Guidance

This Guidance will be reviewed periodically by the TOES in cooperation with the offshore wind sector and updated as appropriate.
This Guidance is voluntary and is intended to address any recognized challenges or inconsistencies by regularly reporting the experiences and good practices of all involved parties in utilizing the Guidance and integrating them into future revisions of the Guidance.

1.6 如何使用本指南 How to Use This Guidance

The objective of this Guidance is to furnish comprehensive information that facilitates productive deliberations between the offshore wind sector and fisheries stakeholders regarding the potential ramifications of offshore wind farms throughout the phases of planning, construction, and operation, as well as the interplay between the two sectors.
The offshore wind sector is advised to engage with fisheries stakeholders at an early phase to create a Fishing Liaison Plan tailored to their specific offshore wind farm and mandate that their subcontractors acknowledge and adhere to it. Meanwhile, the Fishing Liaison Plan should be revised as needed at different phases of the offshore wind farm project.
This Guidance is divided into several sections applicable to different phases of the offshore wind farm project. The first two sections aim to provide an overview of the two sectors and the offshore wind farm development system, including the project permitting process. SECTIONS 3 to 5 provide liaison guidance from the planning phase to the operational phase, while SECTIONS 6 to 8 outline specific issues related to the fishing industry. The goal is to guide the two sectors to achieve mutual understanding and resolve any potential disputes that may arise.
SECTION 1 introduces the Guidance, outlines the activities to which the Guidance applies, and introduces the organizations and stakeholders that may be involved in the discussions.
SECTION 2 introduces the statutory consenting process for offshore wind farm projects and the key laws and regulations. This section is helpful in understanding at which phases in the permitting process should the informal and formal consultations related to offshore wind farm plans be conducted with fishery stakeholders.
SECTION 3 offers guidance on establishing an effective liaison framework throughout the offshore wind farm project and providing assistance by appointing key liaison roles.
SECTION 4 offers good practice recommendations for formal and informal consultations during the planning and permitting phases. They include suggestions for data collection, and the information developers should gather from the fishing industry community to fully comprehend the potential impacts and mitigation measures.
SECTION 5 includes recommendations for staff involved in installation and maintenance operations related to offshore wind farm construction and operation to communicate with the fishing industry.
SECTION 6 outlines the procedures for developers and operators to apply for safety zones around offshore wind farms, as well as the factors that operators should consider when applying for safety zones during the construction and operational phases (including discussions with the fishing community).
SECTION 7 provides guidance for developers and operators to consider when using fishing vessels as guard vessels or survey vessels during the planning, construction, or operation phases.
SECTION 8 outlines the most common gillnet and trawl fishries on the west coast of Taiwan and how to avoid gear entanglement.